The Organizer box

Marriage is like a “Workshop” …where the husband “Works” and the wife “Shops”
I busted out laughing. I was doing exactly the same! After this initial reaction, came a more profound one… Can I not change it? Let me work out something special this time, I mused. With the new-found quest, I returned home.
One thing led to other and I found this rough MDF wooden box in my attic. Hallelujah! It was kind of Eureka moment for me! I decided to alter it to make an “The Organizer Box”… to keep his sundry items. With this idea I set out to work.
And oops…blame it to excitement or hurry, I just forgot to take a pic of the box before working on it.
First thing first, I selected his photograph from our engagement day. I then made a portrait with a black pointed marker on white card paper. After finishing that I just cut it along the outline of the face and it's was ready to be used*.
It was the turn of the MDF box to get reborn! I gave one coat of white gesso on it and after that painted it with black and copper colour. I did not wish to use the bright colour so I chose copper colour to give it little bit of shine. Used dry brushing technique inside of the box and also for the sides of the box. I roughly put the cut out of the portrait on the box and decided its final place.
To add some subtle and aesthetic component I decided to play with stencils!!! White colour of the card paper on the left side of box needed some balancing. So, I did stencilling with dull white and black Colours, here and there.

With a decoupage glue, I stick the portrait on right side corner of the box. Some places that were vacant caught my attention. So, I randomly put some stamps on it.

Last and most important, I put two to three coats of varnish on the entire box.
“Never stop flirting your wife and never stop dating your husband”, goes the old wise saying! He has ever been true the first part of the saying! On our special day I went out on a date with my better half and surprised him with “The OrganizerBox”!
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